Every so often, I place assorted pieces from my personal collection up for sale. These can include finished art, custom designs, prototypes, BIGHEAD mechanical sculptures, paintings, and memorabilia used in film and television. When available, please read the descriptions of each, to understand what is being sold and its condition.


Currently all limited edition relief sculptures have been sold. Thank you.



The following sculptures reside in my personal collection and are “being considered” to go up on the block, although no firm decision has been made at this date (purely an advance notice).




‘LUGNUT’ holds the most revered status in the BIGHEAD community as it is the last one ever made, reflecting the culmination of all BIGHEADS It has never been outside of my personal collection since its creation. Like all BIGHEADS, this is a hand-sculpted, one-of-a-kind creation.

Condition: Like new (has only been on display). 

Animations include: Side-to-side eyes, closing eyelids, upper-lip smile, mouth, stickout tongue, custom attire.




THE SEE-THRU MAN was created for a gallery display and returned to upon completion of the exhibition. This piece was pure artistic expression (resin over brass framework), with a sculptural style that ensures it remains ‘one-of-a-kind’ with no chance of duplicates ever being made.

Condition: Good (currently undergoing a QC)

Animations include: Side-to-side eyes, closing eyelids, raising eyebrows, wiggling ears, upper-lip smile, stickout tongue, mouth, custom ‘see-thru’ sculpture for viewing mechanics.


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